History of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York.
On August 12, 2018, the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York will mark its 80 years of life, work, and action. Seventy eight years ago, on August 12, 1938, the Federation was officially incorporated by an approval of the Division of Corporations of the State of New York as a not-for-profit organization. Subsequently, it was declared exempt from taxation by the Internal Revenue Service. However, the decision of the establishment of the organization in question had been taken roughly a year earlier, on November 22, 1937, when representatives from 19 associations of the New York region, in the Assembly Hall of the Cretan Association “OMONIA”, deliberated and decided upon the foundation of higher body, which will cover and represent the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.The first By-Laws of the Federation were approved by the representatives of the following societies: Athenian, Aetolo-Acarnanon, Andros, Vryseon-Anavritis, Northern Epirotan , Aevoees, Thessalian, Icarian, Carystian, Kastorian, Cephalonian, Corinthian, Cretan, Cytherian, Laceademonian, Messinian, Naupactian, Piraean and Chion, the 24th of May 1938. Members of the First Executive Committee were the below named Cleovoulos Coccoros, Anthony Dedopoulos, Spyros Sakkas, Trustees. George Generalis, Secretary General and John Stayridis Treasurer. The committee on By-Law was comprised by Nicholas Vagionis, president of the Cretans Association, Spyros Sakkas, President of Vryseon-Anavrytis Society, and Anthony Dedopoulos, President of the Naupactian Society.Purpose and View (1938)The purpose and views of the Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater New York, are the following:To uphold the ethnic ideals of our country, America, and those of our birth land Greece .To support the patriotic, philanthropic and humane pursuits of the American and Greek peoples, as well as the interests of the Societies which constitute the Federation each one accepted as a whole.The moral and as far as possible financial support to the new Hellenic-American generation, by the grant of this Organization of scholarship awards in money or other moral recognition to pupils and students of the regular and higher education.The establishment (founding) in New York of a Greek Home, to serve as the center of non racial culture together with the other local Hellenic-American Organizations.Members of the FederationAny local, legally recognized, Greek Society, Association or Fraternity, having its principal office in New York or the environs, may become a regular member of the Federation on the approval of its application by the majority of the Societies which comprise the Federation in General Assembly.Any other legally recognized Organization having its principal office I New York or in its environs, or any person, may become an associate member or honorary member of the Federation on the approval of a majority of the Federation members in general meeting assembled without however the right to elect or be elected to office.The members of the federation, societies, Associations and Fraternities, remain independent and self-governed, without any intervention or influence on the part of the Federation, in regards to the Societies purposes, activities, government, funds, By-Laws and their regulations. The accredited representatives of the Societies, Associations and Fraternities in the Federation, must have in mind the directives and the By-Laws of their own societies, in the whole, in the even of a decision of the Federation which might infringe directly or indirectly paragraph of this present article.ActivitiesThe Federation as representative of the Greek-American Community at large has been at the forefront of the communitys cultural and thnic mission. Indicative of its power and influence, the Federation organized the 1992 demonstration in Washington , D.C. where more than 75,000 Greek-American protested the illegitimate claims of F.Y.R.O.M. of the historical legacy of macedoniiia. Furthermore, another demonstration was staged at the United Nations in 1994, attracting over 10,000 people, against the continued illegal occupation of the north corner part of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey. Proud of its American consciousness, the Federation has promoted awareness programs in the Hellenic Community, on the American Political System, voter registration drives, and countless lectures by American Officials on the latest immigration laws. Its rapport with the Community on large is further strengthen by its support of the Columbus Day Nationalities Parade, and by the invitation of local officials to speak at its offices on various local concerns.The annual Greek Independence Day Parade along Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue has become a New York City traditional event, attracting a vast number of New York spectators. It is the ultimate medium of reinforcing community ties, promoting the Hellenic tradition and culture, and allowing for the close cooperation of the Federation with the Officials of the City of New York.The promotion of the Hellenic Culture also takes the form of lectures that are regularly given, in such distinguished places like the Cornell Medical Center in NYC, and also specially organized symposia on education, in close cooperation with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
The purpose and views of the Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater New York, are the following:To uphold the ethnic ideals of our country, America, and those of our birth land Greece .To support the patriotic, philanthropic and humane pursuits of the American and Greek peoples, as well as the interests of the Societies which constitute the Federation each one accepted as a whole.The moral and as far as possible financial support to the new Hellenic-American generation, by the grant of this Organization of scholarship awards in money or other moral recognition to pupils and students of the regular and higher education.The establishment (founding) in New York of a Greek Home, to serve as the center of non racial culture together with the other local Hellenic-American Organizations.
The Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York is a non-profit organization in New York City committed to fostering an appreciation of Greek-American heritage and achievement. The Federation, through a broad range of philanthropic and cultural activities, provides opportunities for advancement to deserving Greek-American students through various scholarship and grant programs. The Federation organizes New York City’s annual Greek Independence Day Parade, which has celebrated Greek-American heritage on New York’s Fifth Avenue since 1938. The Greek Independence Day Parade, which is the largest celebration of Greek-American heritage and achievement in the world. The celebration is organized by the Federation’s Members on a strictly volunteer basis, donating their time and expertise to help create the Federation’s Annual Gala Dinner at the The Hilton Hotel, the Greek flag raising ceremony at Bowling Green, Greek Independence Day Parade on Fifth Avenue. The Federation is made up of over 200 Members Societies who are of Greek ancestry and are grateful for the opportunities their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents found as immigrants to the United States. The Federation’s Members are proud of their heritage and their American citizenship.